From: Representative Gabrielle Giffords [mailto:az08ima@mail.house.gov] in response to my pledge to oppose her re-election due to her support of Cap and Trade.
July 2, 2009
Dear Mr. XXXXX,
Last week, the United States House of Representatives passed H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security (ACES) Act. This bill will jumpstart our economy with investments in clean power, reduce our nation's dependence on foreign energy, and create thousands of high-paying jobs.
There has been a lot of discussion of this bill, but not all of it has been accurate. I want to set the record straight and explain why I voted in favor of this legislation.
First of all, I worked hard to make sure that the ACES Act will benefit Arizona. Together with a few of my colleagues, I was able to ensure that the bill included some provisions that significantly strengthened the bill before it passed. Specifically, I added two provisions: One will require the federal government to obtain 20 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020. This will make Arizona an attractive location for the federal government to invest in large scale renewable projects. The other will allow federal agencies to enter into renewable energy power purchase agreements for up to 20 years, up from the current limit of 10 years. This longer contracting period will help make renewable energy more cost competitive with traditional power sources and encourage more solar development in Arizona. Both of these provisions will create more high-paying jobs in Arizona and grow our economy.
Consumer protection was a paramount concern in designing this bill and it contains numerous protections. The bill calls for giving emission allowances to utilities, natural gas distributors and oil refineries for free. This will cushion the impact of the bill on industries and regions dependent on fossil fuel-powered energy, such as Southern Arizona. Recipients of such credits would have to use the allowances to protect consumers from price hikes. The bill also provides agriculture offsets for our farmers and ranchers which is why it won the support of the National Farmers Union.
Finally, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that the bill will cost the average American household just $168 per year, or less than 50 cents per day, and that is before counting the benefits from increased efficiency. The Environmental Protection Agency projects that if the bill becomes law, the average household utility bill will actually go down 7% by 2020 due to the new energy efficiency standards.
For all these reasons, the legislation enjoys wide support from electric utilities; energy companies; major corporations like Alcoa, BP America, Caterpillar, Chrysler, ConocoPhillips, John Deere, Dow, Duke Energy, DuPont, Ford, GE, GM, Johnson & Johnson, NRG Energy, PepsiCo, Pew Center on Global Climate Change, PG&E, and Shell.
The ACES Act is designed to address some of the most complex challenges currently facing our country, including creating jobs and jump-starting our economy; reducing our dependence on foreign energy and strengthening our national security; and protecting our natural environment. I believe these are not only urgent issues, but also tremendous opportunities.
I always appreciate hearing from constituents, like you, who are informed and interested in the important issues affecting Arizona and the nation. My job as your representative is to help you connect with federal agencies, access services and get your questions answered thoroughly. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if you require assistance.
To receive regular e-mail updates on my work as your U.S. Representative, visit https://giffordsforms.house.gov/contact/email-updates.shtml to opt-in to my e-newsletter. It allows me to keep Southern Arizonans, like you, informed about the most recent activities in the House of Representatives and upcoming public forums I am sponsoring in the district.
Sincerely Yours,Gabrielle GiffordsMember of Congress
Dear Ms. Giffords:
You know, this bill is just more meddling by the government in the private sector. It is not good for our free market economy. It is not good for business. It is not good for the environment. It puts this country at a competitive disadvantage in the world market.
I received my BA in Political Science at a liberal Midwestern university. I have a JD and have practiced law for nearly 30 years. I used to be a democrat. As I have watched your party over the years, the underlying themes are and have been controlling the peoples’ lives, regulating everything (and that is not an exaggeration), and putting globalist/transnationalist interests ahead of American interests.
I and many other Americans are fed up.
You say you are MY representative and are here to serve me. OK, please do the following;
1. Tell me where ALL the TARP money went.
2. Tell me how you are going to pay for Obama’s spending spree.
3. Tell me what the full and true story is on the $138B in treasury bonds seized by Italian customs.
4. Tell me why you people want the American people disarmed.
5. Tell me why this mouse of a president won’t stand up to the N. Koreans.
6. Tell me why he didn’t stand up for the Iranian protesters.
7. Tell me why this government is siding with Chavez and Castro on the Honduran matters.
8. Tell me why this government is failing to support our fighting men and women by fully funding the weapons systems we need.
9. Tell me why this government is apologizing for my country and bowing to our enemies.
10. Tell me why Madoff is in jail, but your own colleagues, responsible for the financial meltdown of this country, are not.
Answer these questions, and then we will chat.
Thank you. Robert J. XXXX
(I am guessing we have heard the last from her!}
Good reply to her letter,I bet that the Congresswoman has investments in the green companys that come to Az. wanna bet?