OK, it's been less than five months since Obama was crowned our new president. Since that time, he and his congress have launched a blitzkreig upon individual rights , free choice and American liberty.
It's something new every day.
Let's recap: Since seizing power, Obama and Company have, continue to and plan to, through tax policy changes and/or direct legislation, affect[ed] the following;
Managment and existence of major automakers, banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions; medical choices; food choices; smoking decisions; border security; national security; where companies may do business; what we drive; how much we weigh; what we eat; whether the unborn may live; legal and contractual rights of investors; freedom of terrorists; how much people may earn; where and how much people may invest; how much carbon dioxide we may emit; how much energy we can afford...just to name some, but the list goes on and on. They have blatently used their power to intimidate corporate CEOs, boards of directors, investment fiduciaries, military officers and planners , the CIA and common people. So far, they have not addressed GHE (Gaseous Human Emissions, you know, farts), but that can't be far behind. (No pun intended.)
The socialist democrats are absolutely shameless! We are witnessing an open, blatant and world-changing coup by the left. They are consolidating their absolute power by pandering to the sheeple of this country, who happily lap up the government provided slop as they bleet with mindless joy.
Doesn't anyone else feel like their liberties are being attacked by a relentless army of Red ants? If you ask your liberal friends (that is, if you can still find some that will engage in discussion with your logical ass), things are going just hunkie-dorie. Who spiked the koolaid?
What next? Oh, yeah, I know, Waxman-Markey aka Cap and Trade! This one is one of the worst so far. This will raise individual family energy costs by about $3,000 per annum. Hell, they don't care...what's a few thousand dollars to people who spend trillions (read, millions of billions) like the world is ending. OK, so maybe it is. There's no reason to die broke.
Call your reps and senators and tell them to vote NO on Waxman-Markey. They don't care, they won't listen and it won 't do any good, but at least when you wake in the damn dark fumbling for your matches to light your campfire, you can face your shivering family and you won't hate yourself for doing nothing!
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