...does our Apologist-in-Chief have a military plan for preventing it? I doubt it. He probably will be going back to the U.N. to ask it to send Kim Jong-Il to anger management class. Jeez!
I don't know about the rest of you, but I am beginning to become more than a little nervous, very, very edgy and, quite frankly, a little pissed-off. For years our military planners have warned of the danger to this country of a "three war" scenario. Pussy-footing around with madmen like the North Korean dictator just provokes them more and brings us ever closer to possibly termnal conflict. Just how many face-slaps must we take before we light 'em up, Barry?
He fires missles. We whine to the U.N. He pops-off a nuke. We whine to the U.N., and the U.N. imposes more sanctions. The U.N. imposes sanctions, he floats a ship suspected to be loaded with war material and dares us to touch it. We adopt "hail and inquire." Come on, Prez!
The most recent post that I have seen, from AP reveals new and more grave threats from the tinhorn dictator. See the story at:
So, what is your response, Mr. President? We have 28,500 troops on the peninsula. Thousands died, before you were born may I add, to free the South Korean people. You may be a hero to your followers, a rock star if you will, but the North Koreans smell OUR blood in the water.
They want to see if you, the new kid on the block, has huevos. Do you know what? Frankly, we want to know too! Many of us are tired of hearing what you wear, what your damn body looks like and how charming you are. Stop apologizing for America and show the world that we will not go quietly into the night humming Kumbaya!
What say you skip date night this week, swallow some Viagra and kick a little Korean ass! Nothing pacifies a guy like Jong like a good ass-kicking.
(Yes, Sir...that was KICK...not kiss.)
Again, formatting courtesy of blogspot.
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