I started this blog last month after visiting my friend Wild Bill's blog (see, link). It is my political anger management.
As I daily have worked through the links, articles, videos and other media that rail against the impending destruction of our great nation, one conclusion has to me become unavoidable and clear. It will take more than observing, bitching, blogging, protesting and drinking to get us through our current and upcoming trials. We must act.
As old SSgt. Oldham so delicately put it during basic training, "Get your *ucking head out of your *ucking ass, Airman!" Below is posted the epiphany which followed this morning's resounding "pop." Now, as then, the forbidden posture is not only medically inadvisable, but it prevents one from seeing, understanding, planning and completing any mission.
Here we go.
The Left figured it out. They didn't just demonstrate and join the Democratic party. They stole the Democratic party. They started with the protests against the Vietnam war. They wrote. They taught. They learned. There was no internet, so they organized. They moved into the neighborhoods and organized the people at a grassroots level...one-at-a-time. They infiltrated the bureacracy, the courts, the legislatures and the power centers...first on a local then on state, regional and, finally, the national level. They worked. They worked long. They worked hard! Now, we have Obama and our current unhappy circumstances.
At the very least, we should acknowledge their hard work and perserverance. And...we should learn. As an army which has been defeated by the creative tactics and strategies of an adversary, we should take what we have learned from the Left and apply these lessons to retake our nation. We must regroup, adapt, and attack the problem at hand. And, I am not talking about trying to defeat a nuclear powered government with small arms. I am talking about doing to the Left what they have done to us. We must win over the people, one-by-one, and get this great country back on track.
It is said that insanity is when one repeatedly takes the same action, expecting a different result. If we continue to hang on to the old strategies and tactics, we will not revive the United States of America and it will fall to the machinations of the Democratic Socialists. It is not enough to blog, complain, pound our collective chests, write our congressmen and have an occasional tax protest. It will not be enough to just work to elect conservative candidates. We must work as hard to get our government back as the Left did to take it from us. All of the above will help, but we can only be successful by the grassroots organization of the people, persuasion of the people and, above all, by coming up with a PLAN!
Remember, we are not revolutionaries...we are counter-revolutionaries.
So, I asked myself, "Where do we start?" As with any endeavor, we must start with the first steps. "What are those steps," Grasshopper asked. Well, folks, I will share the intial steps I conceived for myself, and offer the same for your consideration. Since everyone loves a 12-step program, here is mine.
LawyerBob's 12 Step Plan
1. I will continue reading, writing and blogging. It will keep my spirit and motivation high.
2. When sitting at a coffee shop, or in front of the local tobacco store, or in any place, talking smack about the never- ending and latest bad news, I will ask my collegues this question; "What can we do to fix it?" I will listen and incorporate the good stuff, and reject the bad.
3. I still will attend and speak at protests, but instead of railing at the problem, revisiting history and rattling a puny battle sword, I will I will ask this question; "What is your plan to fix it?" I will await an answer. I will listen and incorporate the good stuff, and reject the bad.
4. I will no longer bother trying to persuade my Leftist friends that our Constitution and
values are worth saving. They do not listen. Such efforts are like throwing pearls before
5. I will invite a small group of like-minded, rational and conservative friends to meet and
consider stategies and tactics to take back our town, county, state, region and, ultimately,
our country. This does not have to be a black-tie affair. Remember, this nation was
born because our founders, predominated by lawyers, drank ale. Lot's of ale. When they drank and talked, they plotted a path to our now threatened freedom. We will add to our small group, one-at-a-time.
6. I will wear my politics on my sleeve. In other words, this battle is on. No
more will I whine and complain, when I can plan and execute. Do you remember the Code of Conduct? Why not apply it in these dire circumstances. I am an American fighting man. Period. You cannot have my country. You will not have my country. You are on notice: I no longer am sitting on the couch griping about your sissy ass. This shit is on. And you, my little politically correct, sexually disoriented, mind-numbed, fluffies, are my targets. You are going down and you are going down hard!
7. I will form alliances with others who share my belief in this country, regardless of whether
or not I like the persons. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
8. Although a person may share my beliefs and values, I will shun he whose first
response is armed insurrection. At this point, insurrection is unnecessary,
impractical and, whether successful or not, it would destroy the very country we seek to
preserve. They who think they can battle a B-1 bomber with a Colt 1911 are fruit-loops which must be avoided, at least for now.
9. I will talk anyone who will listen, especially to those who may not agree with me, if they are open to my ideas about my country. I will persuade those whom I can. I will walk away from the rest. I am no bible student, but I think it was John the Baptist or Paul the Apostle who told the believers to not worry about him being in prison, because each change of the guard brought a new opportunity to convert another to the path of Christ. We should adopt that positive attitude.
1o. Once the intial steps are taken, I will attempt to organize on a local level and recruit others to seek political and electoral victory for conservative Americans at all levels of government.
11. I will attempt to establish in my community, and encourage others to establish in theirs, a "speaker's corner," a place where the free flow of ideas between persons actually facing each other will energize our cause. The internet is great, but if you are reading this, I do not know who you are. I want to know my friends...and my adversaries.
12. I will keep my oaths.
As our friend Toby Keith sang, we need, "A little less talk and a lot more action." We need to kick a little ass. It's time to get off our asses, and jump on theirs. If, after reading this, you have heard your own "pop," leave a comment with more suggestions for action.
There. We have mapped a journey, the destination of which is our beginning, left to us by our founders. We have a mission, to retake this nation. We have a path, illuminated by the spirit of God. I have you, and you have me and there are many others. And, we have Toby Keith's music to make the journey more enjoyable.
Let's Rock! The alternative is the death of American freedom as we have known it. The reward for victory, freedom, priceless.
Excellent Post, I am going to link to it